Thanksgiving Basket Food Give-Away:
2023 - Thanksgiving Baskets for Veterans Families – Every year your Auxiliary requests names of local veteran families to receive a Thanksgiving Basket (items to make meals for Thanksgiving). This year is no different. In fact this year the need is greater. Our pantry, which we deeply depend on to aid our veterans is very low. As I said it has been a hard year, requests are up and donations are down. But, with your support, we have made this happen every year and we will make it happen again this year.

I have a list of items needed based on a Thanksgiving Day meals for 15 families of 4 people.
We request the names of 15 families. And we plan for 15 families. If we do receive 15 names (last year we received 12) any nonperishable donations not needed for baskets will go into the Post Pantry to be used for their Christmas Baskets. Any perishable unused donations are donated to the USO.

Let me know what items you are donating. This way I can keep a list and we won’t have all corn and no peas or beans. Doing this worked out well last year. We didn’t double up on anything. Remember, just because the list says we need 15 of something doesn’t mean you have to donate that many. If you donate, donate only what you are comfortable donating.

Any questions, feel free to contact Sher Dotson at the number or email below.
We will be putting the baskets together Sunday November 19th at 12:00pm (Noon) for pick-up after 3:00pm. Please have donated items at the VFW before Thursday November 16th, we need time to do inventory and acquire any items needed. Thank you!

Contact – Sher Dotson, Basket Coordinator, 360-943-5554
Christmas Family Ham Dinner Food Give-away:
2023 -